Friday, June 13, 2008

Wanna see Orang Utans??

Only about half hour drive from Kuching you are able to have a chance to see the semi-wild orang utan, ranging from tiny infants and boisterous adolescents to dignified mature adults, enjoying life in a secure natural habitat.......

This interesting place is the Semengoh Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre, established in 1975 and is located within the beautiful Semengoh Nature Reserve.

A permit and payment of a norminal fee is required for each entry. Visitors are encouraged to follow nature trails to reach the Wildlife Centre. The best time to visit this centre is during it's feeding time. It provide a unique opportunity to view the orang utan at close range. The animals usually spend considerable time feeding in one place, either on a wooden platform, in a nearby tree or hanging from guide ropes. Visitors therefore have an excellent view, a remarkable photo opportunity, and ample time to appreciate the intelligence and beauty of these facinating forest creatures.

Visitors are seen curiously waiting for the orang utans to appear during feeding time. The orang utans are seen in action, while visitors are busy capturing photos of them. Guess everyone must experience this once in a lifetime opportunity...... so if you are free and happens to be around in Kuching City, care to drop by...... the orang utans are sure to welcome you to their home and will also enjoy your presence........

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