Saturday, December 29, 2012

Year 2013 is just round the corner.......

Being a grandmother of a 15 months old grandson, I tend to lost count of days, which at times I even have to ask those around me 'what day is today?' or 'what is the date today?' hahahaha.... laughing at myself for being 'lost in space', which is my favourite phrase!  With all my concentrations on Brendan, I have been fully occupied!

I never could have imagine how I manage taking care of  Brendan from a tiny new born baby to a toddler and considering his body size now, a small boy!

In my previous blog, we are all welcoming Christmas, and now the new year 2013 is just round the corner...... WoW!! indeed the days are passing real fast!!

Hopefully, the Year of  The Snake will be a great year for everyone, young and old alike...... let's pray for the best of God's abundance blessings upon us all, may we stay healthy, be happy, joyful and prosperous. 

As the new year is just three days away, here's wishing you all........

Thursday, December 20, 2012


CHRISTMAS is the most awaited season of the year for me, and it has been such since when I was young!!!  WHY???  Well, during my childhood days most probably its because of the presents!  Scenario changes with time, being well aware that Christ was born during Christmas and its the spirit of Christmas that brings us peace, joy, hope and happiness.

In another five days time, Christians all over the world will be celebrating this special season.  It is during this season that the air is filled with so much warmth and love.  

My special greetings to everyone who are celebrating Christmas and for those who are not, wishing you all "Happy Holiday" and God bless each and everyone!

Friday, December 14, 2012


What I can recall of this vegetable during my childhood years is its long curve shape and its purplish colour!  Today, brinjals are not only purple in colour, some species of white brinjals are being seen at the market place and with other shapes of round and oval.

My mum used to cook brinjals by blanching them in hot water and then stir-fry with dark soya sauce, a pinch of sugar, salt and pepper, and though its just a simple dish but its YUMMY!!! Recently, I've yearn to eat this dish of hers, so I home-cooked it and have it for my lunch alone......

Today, brinjals have been my favourite vege  and its never been miss out  in my marketing list.   Whenever I am having fast food outside I will make sure that its on my plate no matter how its cooked!  

I've tried a hand on several styles of cooking brinjals and it has always turn out to be delicious and yummy! Here's to share with all who loves brinjals like me.....
cooked in tomato and chilli sauce

combination of brinjals with longbeans

deep-fried brinjals with sauce

stir-fried brinjals with meat

boiled brinjals topped with sauce and fried onion and garlic

flesh of boiled brinjals topped with special sauce
For those curry lovers, a bowl of curried vegetables with brinjals will make a satisfying meal!!