Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Article for sharing on "Chronic Fatigue" [Part 5]

Strategies For Becoming A High-Energy Person
  • If you are taking pills and stimulants to cope with your problem, you have got to stop. Of course you should reduce prescribed medication only under your doctor's direction. On your own, however, you can cut back on your coffee, cola, and tea intake. Only by cutting back on your consumption of stimulants, especially caffeine, will you re-establish your natural attunement and discover your full measure of natural inner energy. You should also cut back on sleeping medications in order to allow your body to re-establish a natural sleep cycle. To achieve positive wellness, your goals should be to cut out all sleeping medication and to limit your daily stimulant intake to one cup of coffee.
  • Get off the excitement treadmill. Don't let advertising slogans and cultural expectations rule your life. The human nervous system is not designed for a constant diet of pressure, tension, speed, and excitement; it must have adequate rest to permit natural regeneration and recuperation. You won't be missing out on life by slowing down periodically to get adequate rest. In fact, the opposite will be true. You will expand your capacity to enjoy and will discover quiet pleasures that you have probably long overlooked. In addition to your daily experience of the healing silence, we suggest that you take one morning each week just for yourself -- to be alone, to read, to go for a long walk, or to enjoy whatever quiet pleasures you find nourishing to body, mind, and spirit. Once you start taking these few hours for yourself each week, you will never give them up.
  • A camping trip in the woods for a weekend or a week can be very effective in re-establishing your natural attunement. The fresh air and contact with nature will help wash away fatigue. You will also find yourself rising early and going to bed with the sun. Camping is really a marvellous way to say goodbye to chronic fatigue.
  • Take long walks, at least an hour a day, or start running regularly. Ironically exercise is necessary to overcome chronic fatigue. Whether the cause of your fatigue is stress or inertia, walking or running is helpful. It clears your mind and lifts your spirits. A half hour of any vigorous sport you enjoy will do.
  • If social isolation is part of your problem, you need to get out and meet people. The best way to do this is to join an organisation that you might find interesting and enjoyable. You can join a health club or take an art or dance class. Outdoor groups provide wonderful opportunities for enjoying (and conserving through political work) the wilderness. If you feel you are shy, don't worry about it. Just join an organisation that interests you and become active in it. You'll be amazed at how your energy level increases and the many wonderful people you meet.

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Article for sharing on "Chronic Fatigue" [Part 4]

Get In Tune With Your Emotions

If you don't have an ample supply of energy, you are temporarily out of tune with the natural rhythms of your body and emotions. Regaining natural attunement is frequently difficult because cultural factors reinforce your lack of inner harmony.

One of the greatest cultural reinforcers of chronic fatigue is pressure toward excessive excitement. In fact, your problem may be that you are caught on what we call the excitement treadmill, and your body is now telling you to stop the punishment.

Excitement is essential to the full enjoyment of living. A sports event, a love affair, a good book, or a great idea all generate high excitement. But excitement makes intense demands on your physical, emotional, and spiritual resources. And these demands mean stress, which depletes your energy reserves.

The pressure toward excitement in our culture had become so intense that the need for recuperation between periods of excitement has been forgotten.

Many people go from a frenzied work environment to a hectic rush hour, only to arrive home and turn on an exciting TV program. Weekends are a time for sports, parties, movies and TV.

The result is a gradual erosion of bodily resources, a process which in turn increases your need for excitement to avoid feeling let down and exhausted.

To keep yourself feeling "up", you've got to stay on the excitement treadmill. Eventually your system says "Enough," and you hit a period of chronic fatigue. If you then follow the cultural input that says "it's OK to take pills to cope," you may be in real trouble. To solve your energy problem and live a long, healthy life, you must learn to turn off this cultural bombardment and become attuned to your own needs and rhythms.

Another major cultural factor behind chronic fatigue is boring work and frustrating work environments. Boring, distasteful work causes psychological inertia, which blocks your natural flow of energy. It takes courage to change a job, and if your work has brought on chronic fatigue, courage is usually in short supply.

If the cause of your fatigue problem has a major social component, solving it won't be easy. However, it can be done.

Monday, June 28, 2010

Article for sharing on "Chronic Fatigue" [Part 3]

The Causes Of Low Energy

Non-illness related chronic fatigue can have a wide range of causes, among them:
  • excessive pressure at work or at home, especially time pressure
  • stimulus overload -- too many simultaneous responsibilities, demands, expectations, and activities
  • insufficient sleep
  • worry about family, especially medical and interpersonal problems
  • inattention to daily rest-activity cycle -- too much activity, and disregard of the body's natural rhythms
  • too little physical activity, a sedentary life-style
  • preconscious psychological conflicts, especially fear of failure
  • monotonous, boring work
  • chronic frustration at work, dissatisfaction with superiors, co-workers, and opportunities for advancement
  • inadequate stimulation, especially lack of friends and social isolation
  • emotional loss, especially of a love one
  • failure at work, in a marriage, of an investment, or at anything important to you.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Article for sharing on "Chronic Fatigue" [Part 2]

The Signs Of Chronic Fatigue

Fatigue has a wide range of mental and emotional effects. It is a generalised condition that can affect almost everything you do. Different people show fatigue in different ways, but the most common symptoms of chronic fatigue are:

  • mental dullness, cloudiness, lack of alertness
  • pouches or dark circles under eyes
  • pasty complexion
  • poor muscle tone
  • lack of spontaneity in gesture or speech
  • increased fears, tensions, anxieties
  • decreased ability to accept constructive criticism
  • increased irritability, frequent temper outbursts
  • impaired recent memory, lowered attention span
  • decreased libido
  • insomnia
  • vague bodily aches and pains
  • high caffeine (or other stimulant) consumption
If you are able to manage your life effectively but have been troubled by several of these symptoms over the last several months (or longer), you may well be suffering from chronic fatigue. Of course you can't be sure until your doctor has ruled out the possibility of some underlying illness.

One of the hallmarks of chronic fatigue is pill popping (stimulants, tranquilisers, and/or barbiturates) and high coffee, cola, and tea consumption.

How many cups of coffee do you need to get through the day? If you need any at all, you are probably suffering from fatigue. A daily intake of five or more cups means your fatigue is probably deep and chronic. This does not mean you are functioning ineffectively; coffee may allow you to get through your day and maintain a reasonably high level of performance. But don't fool yourself into believing you are functioning at your peak.

When chronic fatigue becomes extreme, pill popping is often the end stage before serious illness strikes.

Chronic fatigue can so disorient your system that you need stimulants to get going in the morning and barbiturates to sleep at night. In between, a mild tranquiliser may be necessary to take the edge off your tension. If you are using pills in this way, you are flirting with disaster. Unless you do something about your fatigue, serious illness will strike sooner or later.

Article for sharing on "Chronic Fatigue" [Part 1]

Flipping through some old magazines can be interesting at times, especially when coming across some useful articles which we might have read some years back. I've got here a valuable article which must be shared with all online buddies. With today's sophisticated world I believe that many are face with the problem of 'Chronic Fatigue'.

So, lets sit down and relax while I present this interesting and useful article for the benefits of all..........

If you frequently find yourself short on energy or troubled by vague aches and pains, your problem could be chronic fatigue. Fatigue, especially when chronic, can be a frustrating condition. You lack energy to fulfill not just your responsibilities, but your aspirations as well. Your mind tends to become cloudy, your emotions raw, and your muscles tense and knotted. Your doctor may tell you that "there's nothing really wrong; just take it easy" and may recommend a tranquiliser, a mood elevator, or a stimulant. But you soon discover that these platitudes and prescriptions don't work.

Fatigue is one of the chief complaints of the 70 to 80 percent of people seeing their family doctors. In four out of five cases where fatigue is the overriding problem, the doctor can find no underlying illness.

The result is frustration for patient and doctor. We are not implying that your doctor is incompetent or that you should not see him or her if you feel immobilising fatigue. This symptom can be the chief sign of many serious illness such as infectious mononucleosis, an anaemia, a kidney infection, or a variety of hormonal or chemical imbalances.

Your doctor is adept at determining whether any of these disorders are present, and they must be ruled out before you attempt any other treatment for your problem. We are simply pointing out that conventional medicine is often unsuccessful in treating fatigue that does not stem from a diagnosable illness.

Try A New Approach

Holistic medicine begins with the assumption that you should feel great. If you don't then you have a real health problem. If you complain of fatigue, a holistically oriented physician assumes that you have some kind of imbalance in your total physical-emotional-spiritual functions that can be successfully treated.

Conventional medicine has identified a variety of non-illness related factors in chronic fatigue, but these have not been incorporated in a coherent system of treatment. One reason for this shortcoming may be the tendency of conventional medical practitioners to disregard symptoms that do not have a clear organic origin.

Despite this bias, the syndrome of chronic fatigue is so widespread that modern medicine has accumulated substantial though fragmented insights about it. The holistic approach has prompted the integration of these insights into an understanding of the signs, causes, and treatment of this major health problem.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

To all wonderful FATHERS everywhere.........

As today is 'Father's Day' I would like to share this wonderful poem by Julia Mathewson with everyone out there...........


There's a certain man in the world
A man who always knows best
A man who'll always clean up the mess
He's someone who never think's twice to act
This man, this hero, this helper, and sharer

A father is someone who's there, no matter the time
A man who will love you, no matter the crime
Someone who knows you inside and out
He knows what to say
What to think and to do
A father is someone who loves and who cares
He'll hold your hand; he'll wipe your tears
And last of all he'll diminish your fears

Wishing all FATHERS the best of this special day and all the days to come, smile always, be happy, stay cheerful & most of all STAY HEALTHY! God Bless you all!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Let's eat our favourite Chinese Rice Dumplings!

The annual Chinese "Duanwu" or "Dragon Boat Festival" is here again........ The date is referred to as the "double fifth" as it falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month.

Though the rice dumplings are easily available in the local market & stalls today, but we can't deny that on this special day all Chinese families are sure to have some dumplings in their homes and consuming them to mark this special occasion.

So, here's to wish all my online friends "A very happy Duanwu or Dragon Boat Festival," enjoy eating the different types of rice dumplings and have a blessed day!!

Sending you all a SMILEY to brings cheers to all........ "keep smiling"

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A special day for all friends..........

June 15th is "A Friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed Day!" On this special day I would like to share some beautiful quotes/poems..........

Old and Good Friends Share a Piece

Old and good friends share a piece
Of passion, pain and pleasure
That no one else, no family can
Begin to know or treasure.

It's as if a secret room
Held their private store,
And every time they met, they could
Go through some special door.

It doesn't matter if they see
Each other every day,
Or years and years go by before
They come and go away:

The moment that they meet it all
Is there--the memories of
Fierce loyalty and times of need
And gratitude and love.
The Miracle Of Friendship

There is a miracle called Friendship
that dwells within the heart
and you don't know how it happens
or when it even starts.

But the happiness it brings you
always gives a special lift
and you realize that Friendship
is God's most precious gift.
~ Jean Kyler McManus ~

Monday, June 7, 2010

Music & Songs are 'Jump-Start' of my life!

Without music and songs what will the world be??? and how will our life be??? Though not many people love music & songs in particular, but I believe that everyone do listen once they are being played or aired though the radio and tends to enjoy the soothing effects of such music & songs.

To me personally, music & songs are 'Jump-Start' of my life! It fills up my lonely moments, brings me cheers when I am down, brightens up my everyday life, provides me with the soothing sensations, helps me to de-stress and many more.

"Music is harmony, harmony is perfection, perfection is our dream, and our dream is heaven".
~ Amiel ~

This quote "Music is the universal language of mankind" by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow really proof to us that music brings together people from all over the world, despite their differences in languages, cultures, religions, customs & walks of life. A real life example is our yearly "Rainforest World Music Festival". This festival enables people from all over the world to gather together to learn as well as enjoy varieties of music, songs & its instruments.

"Music can change the world because it can change people"
~ Bono ~

Friedrich Nietzsche's quote state "Life without music would be a mistake". I can just imagine how boring life would be if there is totally no music. It can also be describe as "a body without a soul!"

These few quotes below confirms the importance of music in our lives.......

"Any good music must be an innovation" ~ Les Baxter ~

"If music be the food of love, play on" ~ William shakespeare ~

"Music is moonlight in the gloomy night of life" ~ Jean Paul ~

"Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life" ~ Berthold Auerbach ~