Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Article for sharing on "Chronic Fatigue" [Part 5]

Strategies For Becoming A High-Energy Person
  • If you are taking pills and stimulants to cope with your problem, you have got to stop. Of course you should reduce prescribed medication only under your doctor's direction. On your own, however, you can cut back on your coffee, cola, and tea intake. Only by cutting back on your consumption of stimulants, especially caffeine, will you re-establish your natural attunement and discover your full measure of natural inner energy. You should also cut back on sleeping medications in order to allow your body to re-establish a natural sleep cycle. To achieve positive wellness, your goals should be to cut out all sleeping medication and to limit your daily stimulant intake to one cup of coffee.
  • Get off the excitement treadmill. Don't let advertising slogans and cultural expectations rule your life. The human nervous system is not designed for a constant diet of pressure, tension, speed, and excitement; it must have adequate rest to permit natural regeneration and recuperation. You won't be missing out on life by slowing down periodically to get adequate rest. In fact, the opposite will be true. You will expand your capacity to enjoy and will discover quiet pleasures that you have probably long overlooked. In addition to your daily experience of the healing silence, we suggest that you take one morning each week just for yourself -- to be alone, to read, to go for a long walk, or to enjoy whatever quiet pleasures you find nourishing to body, mind, and spirit. Once you start taking these few hours for yourself each week, you will never give them up.
  • A camping trip in the woods for a weekend or a week can be very effective in re-establishing your natural attunement. The fresh air and contact with nature will help wash away fatigue. You will also find yourself rising early and going to bed with the sun. Camping is really a marvellous way to say goodbye to chronic fatigue.
  • Take long walks, at least an hour a day, or start running regularly. Ironically exercise is necessary to overcome chronic fatigue. Whether the cause of your fatigue is stress or inertia, walking or running is helpful. It clears your mind and lifts your spirits. A half hour of any vigorous sport you enjoy will do.
  • If social isolation is part of your problem, you need to get out and meet people. The best way to do this is to join an organisation that you might find interesting and enjoyable. You can join a health club or take an art or dance class. Outdoor groups provide wonderful opportunities for enjoying (and conserving through political work) the wilderness. If you feel you are shy, don't worry about it. Just join an organisation that interests you and become active in it. You'll be amazed at how your energy level increases and the many wonderful people you meet.

1 comment:

LIM said...

This is a very good article.Thanks for sharing.