Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri.........

After a month of fasting, the muslims are waiting to welcome their 'Hari Raya' celebration tomorrow. Every family must be busy doing their final preparation - food, decorations, new clothings, curtains, etc.......

If you happen to pass through their houses or kampungs during this season of the year, you are sure to observe the beautifully lighted & decorated houses and compounds.

To all muslims, friends and strangers alike, I would like to wish you all.........

"Selamat Hari Raya Aidil Fitri"


"Happy Holiday"

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Balancing our daily lifestyle........

Much have been written and said about striking the perfect balance in our daily life. In this modern world, where both spouses are pursuing their careers, there are many things which needs to juggle - work and family. Great efforts are needed in order to get all things in place.

I've read a simple and brief article regarding the right equation for the right balance in our daily lifestyle sums up to between the food that we eat and the amount of exercise we get. Here's to share with all........

Making exercise a part of your daily lifestyle is important in order to maintain your health and fitness. But how often have you said, "I can't find time for exercise because I'm stuck at the office all day!" The solution? Reprioritise your life and make time! After all, regular exercise causes the body to produce endorphins, chemicals that make you feel relaxed and fit - and this can help you work more productively.

Healthy eating involves making smart choices about what you eat every day. Since different food provides different combinations of energy (calories) and nutrients (carbs, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals and fibre), a variety of both is the best way to achieve a balanced nutrition.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

My 200th Post!!

Three months ago, on 21st June, I was writing my 100th Post - but today...... it's indeed a pleasure to write my 200th Post!!

I would sincerely like to thank you all for your support, for without them I know that I won't be able to go so far........
I really hope that the articles which I've written in my blog won't bore you - if any, please don't hesitate to give me positive comments so that I can improve on it.

Hope I'm able to bring cheers to you all wonderful people out there..........

"The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up."

and.......... continue to smile................

Friday, September 26, 2008

Poem - LOVE!


Love is patient and kind:
it still has patience
after having said something a hundred times.
Love is kind,
envies no one
and is not jealous:
it does not try to compete wit
h another person
it does not attempt to copy someone else.

Love is never boastful, conceited or proud:
it does not show off;
it does not say: Look what I brought,
into our relationship!
It does not emphasize it's own achievements
and it is not too proud to ask for forgiveness.
It never says: Without me you
would be nothing!

Love is never rude or ill-mannered
because the other person
is always seen as a creation of God,
as a thought of God.

Love is not selfish:
you exist for him
and he exists for you
and you both exists for God
- only in that way will you find yourselves.

Love is not irritable or resentful.
Love is not quick to take offence:
it does not say: This is the last time.....
or If you do that again.....
it forgives and persists.
It is not dependent on the love of the other.

Love does not keep a record of the wrong of the other person:
love can forget:
it gives the other person a ne
w start;
it does not weigh down the other person
with prejudices and accusations
it does not chalk up words said in anger
and it does not use silence
to force the other
to act.

It does not counter one wrong with another.

Love is not happy with evil
but is happy with the truth:
it does not cover up the wrong
but clarifies, solves and forgives.
Love does not sell the truth
just to obtain p
It is never unjust
and for love there is no truth without love.

There is nothing love cannot face:
it can face the person it does not understand;
it can live in circumstances it cannot change;
it can face the inevitable.

Love believes everything:
it accepts the word of
the other,
even if it is exploited at times.
Love is not ironic:
it means what it says.

Love has a limitless hope:
it does not give up hope for the other person
and when there is talk of a weak character
or of the power of heredity:
Love places God's powerful changing love
opposite to these.

Love endures everything:
it can bear the impossible;
it can bear the unjust:
and when everything in life seems to topple
- family, faith, profession and friends-
Love blossoms like a great hope above the ruins.

Love will never come to an end.
Never will love come to an end.
To an end love will never come.
Love will never end!!!

I would like to say "I love you always" to my hubby, who is also my best friend - before, now and forever!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Parent's Unconditional & Equal Love For Their Family

Haven't been attending movie in cinema for quite a while, but last night watched "Money Not Enough II". Since it has been shown for quite a while, so the Cineplex was rather empty - only few of us in the whole room, so there is free sitting!!

It is a touching story, which reflects today's scenario -- the older generation (the grandmother), the middle-aged (which is the parents) and finally, the younger generation (grandchildren).

The part which really shows a parent's unconditional & equal love for her family are:-
  1. The mother willing to take out her whole life saving from the biscuit's tin to give it to her children during their difficult times
  2. Dividing the money equally to all her three children
  3. The mother agreed and promised to keep this 'money business' a secret, among the siblings
  4. The mother pretending not to hear what is being said and discussed by her children and wives when her situations goes hay-wire due to her old age
  5. The poor mother never complains, even when the sons do not give her a proper room to sleep, but instead on the kitchen floor near the toilet, whereas the other son, worst still - in the toilet (even have to sit on the toilet bowls eating her meals).........
  6. The mother acknowledge her son that she will accept him as he is, even when he is no more a 'manager'
  7. Finally, she decided to give her life up to save the life of her granddaughter who needs blood, being involved in an accident - this last pack of blood is supposed to be meant for this old woman.
  8. Off course her decision to give up her life is to lessen the burden of her children in paying for her hospital charges ($8,000.00 per night)
Even when she is gone from the world, she still watch over her children and family and she continued to help them and making sure that they don't suffer - through striking of lottery!

This is what parent's love is all about........ unconditional, equality and unending......... As parents, we never stop worrying and thinking of our children's affairs, even when they have grown up! The only thing we wish from them when we grows old and useless is "they will still remember us.........."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

"Do Not Judge A Book By It's Cover"

While I was driving this morning and with my car radio on, a question was being posed to listeners by one of the favourite radio station "Whether or not to judge a book by its cover?"

Personally, I fully agree that we should not judge a book by it's cover! Anything that we see from the surface of it cannot tells what is actual or real. If we were to judge a person's heart only from the face, then it's totally unfair - but this is what most people do!! A person having an unfriendly look doesn't mean that he/she is not good or friendly and likewise a person who can "sweet-talk" doesn't necessarily mean that he/she is good and sincere from the heart! Many a times it turns out to be the opposite instead!

Being in the working life for more than 25 years, and having lots of opportunities to meet and get along with all types of people really makes me more wiser. That is why I really agree to "Do not judge a book by it's cover'!! The cover of the book is just like a "masquerade", covering a person's inward appearance, habit, character, behavior, etc.....etc...... It can be just pretending!!

A quote from Ahmet Zappa "I picked books by the covers - the worst the cover, the more I wanted to read it" is very meaningful and seems to go along side with what I've shared above.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

A Day For Chocolate Lovers!!

Hey Chocolate Lovers.......... today is your day!! 23rd September is Chocolate Day, so go grab your most favourite types of chocolate and spoil yourself with it!! Don't feel sinful - only for today!!

As today is special, then let me share with you a short article on 'Dark Chocolate'.

The darker the chocolate, the better. Dark chocolate contains cocoa phenols, compounds known to lower blood pressure, as well as an antioxidant called flavanol, which helps neutralise cell-damaging substances known as "oxygen free radicals". Italian researchers found that volunteers who ate 100g of dark chocolate daily for 15 days had lower blood pressure levels.

But remember that dark chocolate is also rich in fat and calories, and may contribute to unwanted weight gain when consumed in large quantities.

There you are friends...... it should be alright only for one day, but not everyday........ haha! My earlier blog dated July 12th is also about Chocolate, in case you want to know more. Allow me to present you pictures of chocolates, just to make your mouth waters, then go get them for yourselves........ Enjoy your chocolates friends...........

Monday, September 22, 2008

Fruits for 'health-boosting' [Part 2]

Guess how many of us have ever heard of the fruit named "Pomegranate"? I've not really seen this fruit being sold in market, but have been planted in home gardens instead. Let me show you how the fruit looks like.........

Apart from being a 'health-boosting fruit', it's leaves are also of great use by the olden Chinese. They believe that if a baby or child is unwell or tends to cry unnecessarily, letting them bath with the leaves of it will help heal them. Though this is a superstitious belief but what I understand is, it does help. Wanna try???

Regarding it's fruits, let me share with you all an article which I've read........


In ancient Babylonian mythology, the pomegranate was regarded as an agent of resurrection. Latest scientific evidence shows that the fruit does have restorative powers.

Offering higher antioxidant activity than red wine and green tea, it's no wonder studies have shown that is may prevent skin cancer and kill cancer cells. The fruit is rich in antioxidants that have been said to protect LDL "bad" cholesterol from oxidation.

An Italian study showed that the juice reduced the effects of stress on blood vessel cells by stimulating nitric oxide production. This chemical helps keep arteries open and blood flowing.

But if you're on medication, talk to your doctor first. There is some concern that it may lower blood pressure when combined with certain medicines.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

The 'Honourable' DOGS!!

How many do agree that Dogs are man's best friend?? Dog lovers will sure agree to this phrase but for those who dislikes Dogs, am not sure of it, but it will then depends on each individuals.

As Dogs selfless service are seldom matched by anyone else, so we have this week to honour them - a special friend of all dog lovers!! 21st to 27th September is Dog Week. It is indeed a great honour to have this opportunity to give special attention and thoughts to our lovable pet dogs at home.

On this Dog Week, I would like to wish all dog lovers out there "Have a warm, cuddly & good time with your pet".

Let me share with you some cute photos/pictures of dogs with you all........
Wanna see a 'couple-dog' in their wedding suite and dress??? I just received these pictures from a great friend Lena, who is also a dog lover yesterday......... Sure you all love these cute pictures!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Fruits for 'health-boosting' [Part 1]

Like vegetables, most fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals - all the good stuff for our bodies. Recent research has cast new light on certain fruits that pack a punch with not only their great taste but is also health-boosting and contains disease-fighting benefits. So, we should all try to add them to our diets now........

The fruit that I would like to share for now is KIWI and I wonder how many likes it?? Can it be because of its small seeds?? Let me share with you all an article which I've read about Kiwi Fruit.

A Rutgers University study shows that kiwi is the most nutrient-dense fruit - meaning it contains more vitamins and minerals per gram than 27 of the most commonly consumed fruits. University of Oslo researchers also found that consuming three kiwis daily can reduce clotting and lower fat in the blood that can cause blockage.

Another study by the renowned Rowett Research Institute in the UK showed that eating a kiwi a day can speed up the repair of DNA damage, as well as provide protection against free radical damage that can cause cancer.
Kiwis also contain substantial amounts of vitamin E and lutein, a carotenoid pigment found in green and yellow fruits and vegetables. Lutein is essential for maintaining healthy vision as we age. It reduced the risk of cataracts and mascular degeneration, the leading causes of blindness in older people.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

How Blessed We Are Today!

I wonder, how many of us got the opportunity to listen to tales of the olden days - days of our grandparents or even our parents, for the matter.........

I am indeed very lucky, as when I was young my late father used to tell us lots of stories about their hard life and off course my mum also tells us her side of her childhood stories as well as their parents and grandparents. If only we know their stories, then we can appreciate our own life today.

Can you imagine a time with no gas or electric burners, electric rice cookers, washing machines, dryers, vacuum cleaners, refrigerators, etc....etc..... All those chores have to be done using bare hands and mind you...... in the olden days, such chores are only done by girls or women!! See how pity they are in those days!!! Don't dare to imagine!!!

I still remember clearly, being a little girl, how my mum do the cooking....... using woods to start the fire and mind you it is never easy....... have to use paper to fan it until the fire starts, then controlling the fire is another hard task!! Not only that....... washing of those pots, with the bottom all BLACK is another tedious task when everyone in the family finishes their meals each day.......... Oh.... all those poor mums, aunties, sisters, grandmas.........

Another good example is doing laundry : clothes were manually beaten or kneaded to get suds through the fabric, then scrubbed on a washboard with a brush and hand-wrung dry. Not to mention the tedious ironing methods of those days???

Today, we are indeed "blessed" as everything is made easy with the latest technology of electrical & electronic household appliances. A fully automatic washing machine with press button control for timers, water control and programme selection can be bought from any electrical store. I believe most household today own though not all but most of these household appliances, which makes life much more easier as compared to the olden days!

Indeed, we should be thankful for all the technologies of today, which gives us all we need in the comfort of our very own home!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Strategy for Victims of Insomnia

I would like to share this plan which is used by Dr. Richard M. Coleman, a former Co-Director of the Stanford University Sleep Disorders Clinic. Whereas Dr. Coleman may prescribe sedatives for short-term insomnia, the steps suggested here avoid their use. Chronic insomniacs should aim for a specific number of hours of sleep, perhaps 4 to 5 hours, which approximates their current maximum sleep time. Once the insomniac sleeps about 90 percent of the alloted time--say 4 1/2 out of 5 hours -- then the sleep schedule can be increased by 30 to 60 minutes.

Strategy for Victims of Insomnia
  • Get into bed at 1:00 a.m. and get out of bed at 5:00 a.m., even if you are blissfully asleep. You are trying to establish a structured sleep schedule, so rigid timing is important. Set your alarm for the chosen wakeup hour.
  • The bedroom must be completely dark while you sleep, but be sure to turn on the lights or raise the shades as soon as you get up.
  • If awake and relaxed during sleep period, stay in bed.
  • If you cannot help feeling anxious about being awake during a sleep period and efforts to relax do not work, get out of bed.
  • When you are out of bed, do household chores (laundry, cleaning, etc). If you feel sleepy, get back into bed. No matter what time you return to bed, get up at 5 a.m.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and cigarettes within 5 hours of your bedtime. If possible, stop smoking and drinking alcohol and cut back on caffeine drinks.
  • Do not exercise within 2 hours of bedtime. Over all, exercise is not a key factor in improving sleep. Neither are meals. But it is best to avoid spicy foods near bedtime.
  • If active thoughts persist near or during bedtime, keep a diary. Put aside 20 minutes after dinner and work on your worries. Write the problems down, along with short-term or long-term solutions.
  • Avoid naps during the day.
If you stick to these rules, you should get good results within three to five weeks. Remember, following the sleep schedule is probably 75 percent of the battle. Keeping a sleep diary can contribute to the cure.

Those who are not helped by this treatment may suffer from a psychological or physiological problem and should consult a sleep specialist.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Article on Insomnia

We all need ample sleep each night in order to replace the energy we have used up throughout the day and when we wake up each morning, we will be feeling fresh and healthy to start another new day!

In today's hectic world, I believe that many people are unable to get a "goodnight" sleep, thus feeling lousy and tired the next day. I've once overheard a conversation between two patients in a clinic "I haven't been having good sleep lately due to worrying about work targets and datelines"!

As I come across this useful article related to "sleep", I really feel the need to share with all friends and readers, as it might be of help, in one way or another.........

Why do some people have trouble sleeping?

Nearly a third of American adults report some difficulty with sleep, and more than half of those consider their sleeping problems a major disruption in their lives. The complaints are usually of insomnia, the inablility to sleep at night, and hypersomnia, excessive sleepiness during the day.

According to psychologists, most sleep problems have underlying causes that are either temporary or can be effectively treated. For example, family or job worries are a frequent cause of insomnia. When they clear up, so may the insomnia.

In recent studies, a number of sleep clinics investigated complaints of sleep loss. They found that 10 percent of the patients who reported severe insomnia actually slept a full eight hours a night. These "pseudo-insomniacs" apparently have a problem of perception that causes them genuinely to believe that they sleep as little as three or four hours a night. That belief is so firmly held that it affects their whole day, making them feel constantly tired.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

A Day In Memorial Of Our Pet

Today, 14th September is Pet Memorial Day! For those who love pets, you sure tend to agree with me that Pets fill our lives with so much love and joy in our everyday lives. So, when we lost them, it is a very painful experience.

So, on this Pet Memorial Day, let us cherish the memories of all those beautiful moments that we spent with our pet. On this day, I would like to remember our family pet cats.........

(Left) Mew-mew (Right) T-ger

"Happy Mooncake Festival"

I am sending you all a warm Hello and wishing that your Mooncake Festival be bright with joy and may good fortune shine on all of you everyday!!

The Mid-Autumn Festival also known as the Moon Festival, is a popular East Asian celebration of abundance and togetherness, dating back over 3000 years to China's Zhou Dynasty. In Malaysia and Singapore, it is also sometimes referred to as the Lantern Festival or "Mooncake Festival".

The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on the 15th day of the 8th Lunar month of the Chinese Calendar. This is the ideal time, when moon is at its fullest and brightest, to celebrate the abundance of the summer's harvest. The traditional food of this festival is the mooncake, of which there are many different varieties.Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. Traditionally, on this day, chinese family members and friends will gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon, and eat mooncakes with Chinese Tea, as well as lighting of lanterns.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

A 'Bright' start for a 'Positive Day'!

WOW! What a great start for today......... bright morning sun!! It has always been said that "The bright morning sun helps brightens up our day". It seems to gives us more energy especially to help us to have a good start of our day and off course through the day, and everywhere we go, faces of people are seen to be like the sun "shining-smiling".

Today, 13th September is 'Positive Thinking Day'! Let's all brush away all the negative thoughts from our minds and hearts and start to think positively from today onwards. In every person, there are sure to be ups and downs in life, which if not being handled properly will lead to negative thoughts. So, let us all try our level best to empty those negative thoughts and fill it with the positive instead, as we welcome this special day today into our lives!

"Cheerfulness removes the rust from the mind, lubricates our inward machinery, and enables us to do our work with fewer creaks and groans. If people were universally cheerful, probably there wouldn't be half the quarreling or a tenth part of the wickedness there is. Cheerfulness, too, promotes health and immortality. Cheerful people live longest here on earth, afterward in our hearts." ~ Author unknown ~

"Have a great day ahead & wish you all cheers towards a Positive Thinking Life"

Friday, September 12, 2008

A cute poem on "Colours"

Here's a cute, childish poem on colours by Divya Jain to be shared with all.........


The sun above is bright and yellow
On the phone we all say hello.

Oceans and seas are deep and blue
We should always be honest and true.

The night sky is dark and black
To naughty children mummy gives a smack.

Roses are so pretty and red
After supper is time for bed.

The grass in the garden is wet and green
We should never ever be mean.

The milk we drink is ever so "white"
Little children should never fight.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Angel Food Cake Recipe

As mentioned in my Blog yesterday on "25 slim eating tips", here's the cake recipe for the 14th tips......... Ought to give it a try one day. Happy baking friends.........

Angel Food Cake

1 cup sifted cake flour
1 1/2 cups sifted icing sugar
1 1/2 cup egg whites (from 10 to 12 large eggs; room temperature)
1 1/2 tsps. cream of tartar
1 tsp vanilla essence
1 cup caster sugar

Sift flour and icing sugar together. Beat egg whites, cream of tartar and vanilla with an electric mixer till soft peaks form (tips curl). Add 2 tbsps of caster sugar at a time and continue mixing till stiff peaks form. Fold in icing sugar mix, a quarter cup at a time, with a wooden spoon. Pour into an ungreased 10-inch tube pan. Bake for 40 minutes in a 180 degree celcius oven. Cake is done when the top springs back when lightly touched. Remove from oven and immediately invert the pan for it to cool (cake still inside). Serve with fruit cocktail or strawberry preserves.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

25 Slim Eating Tips

This article is meant for those who haven't got the opportunity to read it in a local magazine. These tips are said to work and are easy to do - making the right food choices can help you lost those unwanted inches for good! So, lets put these simple tips into practice and see what a little effort on your part can do for a lifetime! I also believe that not everyone can follow all of these tips as a whole, but let's just try to go for those which are best suited to each of us individuals...........

Here comes the 25 slim eating tips.........
  1. Never grocery shop on an empty stomach. You'll be tempted to buy foods you don't need because everything books delicious. If you don't have time for a proper meal before hitting the supermarket, eat a piece of fruit and drink a large glass of water.
  2. Write out a shopping list of foods for the particular meals you have planned. This will help you go directly to the aisles you need to go to, instead of aimlessly venturing around, which may make you more prone to pick items you don't need.
  3. Buy tuna or other canned fish packed in water rather than oil. Choose fresh fruit over canned fruit in heavy syrup, as the sugar adds empty calories.
  4. Choose low-fat or skimmed dairy products. You'll get the same amount of calcium and protein as full cream, but with considerably less fat and cholesterol.
  5. Compare the nutrition value of different brands by reading the food label on the packages. More than 3g of total fat for every 100 calories is considered high-fat. Saturated fat should be less than 1g for every 100 calories.
  6. Fill an attractive bowl or basket with fruits that don't need to be cut to eat - pears, plums, apples, bananas, grapes, etc. They not only make an attractive centrepiece on your dining table but they're also a good way to make sure you eat fruit daily.
  7. Leave the salt shaker in the kitchen. This will stop you from mindlessly adding more salt to your meal when at the table.
  8. Trim off all visible fat from meat and remove skin from poultry. Too lazy to do it yourself? Ask your butcher at the market to do it for you. They'll definitely oblige.
  9. Don't feel guilty about not finishing your food once you're full. Serve yourself a little at a time, adding more if you feel you need it.
  10. Experiment with different ways of cooking, such as grilling, roasting, stewing, steaming or boiling. The less oil you use the better!
  11. Appetiser foods are notoriously drenched in oil. Try this: Shell medium-sized prawns (leave the tail) and steam until cooked. Serve with a zesty dip, such as Thai Cili or Lemon Sauce.
  12. Include high-fibre foods at every meal to keep you full. Choose from whole wheat breads, crackers, brown rice, cereals, fruits and vegetables. Throw in a handful of beans into your curries, stir-fries, stews and soups.
  13. Cut out even more fat from soups, stews and curries by refrigerating them, and then removing the layer of congealed fat at the top before reheating.
  14. Have your cake and eat it too! Here's a recipe for a yummy low-calorie, fat-free cake: [Sorry...... I'll put up the recipe in my next blog]
  15. Recreate the flavour of deep-fried foods by coating chicken/seafood with breadcrumbs (seasoned with pepper, salt and spices). Place on a baking tray and pop it into the oven (180 degree celcius for at least 10 mins) until meat is well browned.
  16. Nifty substitutions can dramatically reduce the fat and cholesterol content of your cake recipes, without comprising on taste: (a) 1 whole egg = 2 egg whites (b) 1 cup whole milk = 1 cup low-fat/skimmed milk (c) 1 cup sour cream or buttermilk = 1 cup low-fat plain yoghurt
  17. You don't need butter to make rich, moist cakes. The secret lies in fruits. Substitute the butter in your recipe with any one of these: 1 cup butter/margarine = 1 cup apple sauce/mashed bananas/pureed prunes. (To make pureed prunes, blend pitted prunes until fine.)
  18. Concoct your own high-fibre energy snack by combining a cup of whole wheat breakfast cereal, half cup nuts, half cup sunflower seeds, half cup raisins and half cup dried apricots. Keep in a jar at the office or in a Ziploc bag to stash in your handbag.
  19. Never go to a buffet party famished. Have a light, healthy snack before going. When you get there, fix yourself a small plate and do your socialising away from the food table.
  20. Too exhausted to cook? Don't succumb to filling your hunger with junky snack foods as you flop in front of the TV. Keep canned foods and frozen mixed vegetables handy as they can be made into a complete meal in a jiffy. While the rice is cooking, saute sliced onions in a skillet. Add a can of sardines and some drained pineapple cubes for a zesty sweet and sour flavour. Stir-fry frozen mixed vegetables with button mushrooms - and voila, a complete, nutritious meal in under 20 minutes!
  21. Eat a light breakfast before going to work. You won't be tempted to buy nasi lemak or head down to the mamak stall for a roti canai near the office. Breakfast needn't be elaborate -- 2 slices of toast with jam/cheese, 1 small bowl of cereal with milk or a carton of fruit yoghurt. If you're rushing out the door, grab 2 slices of bread or some Digestive biscuits and a small packet of low-fat milk to eat on the go.
  22. Don't drive yourself nuts by weighing yourself everyday. Body weight fluctuates between 1 to 2 kilos throughout the day. You may be heavier several days before your period due to water retention. Experts recommend you weigh in once a fortnight -- without any clothes, first thing in the morning after using the bathroom before breakfast.
  23. Walk whenever you can. Park your car a little further from your destination or take the stairs instead of the lift. Have a business meeting to attend? Take a five-minute brisk walk around the office block of the person you're scheduled to meet. By the end of the day, after seeing about six clients, you would have completed a 30-minute workout.
  24. Doing housework is a great way to burn off calories. An average-sized woman can burn about 200 calories just by doing household chores with a little vigour. So, the next time someone asks you if you exercised today, you can smugly say, 'Yes! And I cleaned the house, too. What about you?"
  25. Being dehydrated is an energy-zapper. Make sure you drink at least 2 litres of water each day. Keep bottled water handy - in the car, on your office desk and your bedside table. Drink a large glass of water before a meal to fill you up. Water has zero calories.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Useful Tips for sharing........

The kind of fat to avoid

Think before you add the margarine! Harvard researchers found that women who consume an average of 4g of trans fat a day had a heart attack risk that was three times higher than those who have 2.6g. Trans fat hurts the heart as it boosts bad LDL cholesterol.

Sweet Satisfaction

When you're haunted by a food craving, try sitting it out for 15 minutes. If you're still tormented after that, give in - deprivation only intensifies your craving. So if you want chocolate, have a little. And instead of a calorie-laden bar, try a Hershey's Kiss at only 25 calories.

For sharper scissors

Are your scissors beginning to lost its sharpness? The usual practice is to rub the cutting edge with sandpaper. But if you don't have sandpaper at home, you can just get aluminium foil. Stack three pieces of foil on top of the other and cut them a few times with the scissors. It will be ready to use for your next project

Monday, September 8, 2008

Well Done, to all the Physiotherapists!

Today is an important day for all Physiotherapists, as it is International Physiotheraphy Day!! Like many other professions, Physiotherapists plays an important role in helping the unfortunate to regain their physical health.

The World Physiotherapists Day was designated in 1951 by the world confederation for Physical Therapy.

I really appreciate all Physiotherapists for their great and unending efforts, most importantly their patience in assisting the unfortunate to improve and heal those who are in need of their professional skills.

I am able to express my real, true feelings for them as I've ever experienced accompanying a member of my family for this Physical Therapy Treatment. If you are interested to know about this blog of mine, please do not hesitate to refer to my blog dated 2nd March 2008 entitled "The best way to prepare for life is to begin to live".

To all the Physiotherapist throughout this whole wide world "Thumbs Up to you all and may today be a special day in honour of all the great people - The Physiotherapists!"

Sunday, September 7, 2008

A Special Day For "Working Mothers"

In the olden days, males were expected to grow up to be breadwinners, prosper in their work, and, if circumstances allowed, take part in community affairs. By contrast, females were expected to take subordinate roles.

However, so much have changed in this century, and many women are now seen to be at par with men. In the home, for example, it will not only become the women's responsibility but a partnership. Then a women's role does not remain subordinate to the men. Parenting is a job that should be shared. The burden does not rest solely on the women to raise their children.

Girls today are being given equal studying opportunities, hence been able to pursue their career and many have been very successful both in their career as well as their families. Being a professional and rearing or bringing up children at the same time really needs lots of efforts and most of all sleepless nights.

"All through the years.......
You have worked 'n' worked......
On our happiness......
Putting aside yours!"

As today is "Working Mother's Day" let's thank all working mothers for being a miracle in the lives of all the children in this world!

Greetings to all Grandpas & Grandmas.......

Today is a special day to honor all grandparents, so here's to wish you all..........

We all know that without them, we won't be who we are today! For all their cares, love and nurturing, I would like to take this golden opportunity to wish all Grandpas & Grandmas "A Very Blessed & Joyous Grandparent's Day & may you all have many more healthy and wonderful grand years to come". I am also sending you all some beautiful roses.........

Saturday, September 6, 2008

A Grand Day Indeed '7th September '

7th September is "National Grandparents Day". Grandparents as the name says are GRAND people indeed. They shower us with their love, care and warmth and pamper us endlessly!!

Friends....... I would like to share the articles about the purpose and history of Grandparent's Day so that we can all have a good understanding of them and be able to treasure our grandparents - always remember that, we too will be Grandparents one day! You might want to know why I publish this article earlier, instead of tomorrow........ well, very simple...... just to give you all ample time to prepare for the 'grand' day tomorrow!

According to what I've researched, this day has a threefold purpose:
  • to honour grandparents
  • to give grandparents an opportunity to show love for their children's children
  • to help children become aware of the strength, information and guidance older people can offer
The history of Grandparent's Day can be traced back to the first National Grandparent's Day in 1978. With the efforts of Marian McQuade, she has been recognized nationally by The United States Senate, in particular Senator Alphonse D'Amato, and President Carter as the founder of National Grandparent's Day. McQuade made it her goal to educate the young in the community to the important contributions senior citizens have made, and to the important contributions they are willing to make if asked.

In Canada, second sunday in September of each year is designated as Grandparent's Day in order to acknowledge their importance to the structure of the family in the nurturing, upbringing and education of children.

"God knows we all need someone with loving strength to share,
So Grandparents were created:
To comfort, love, and care."

Thursday, September 4, 2008

A Narrow Escape!

This phrase sure sounds familiar to most people........ have read it in story books or even in newspapers or magazines........ it can be real happenings or just a make-up story by some authors. But....... have any of you ever really experienced a scenario such as "A Narrow Escape"??

Let me share with you what I experienced and which I will never forget for the whole of my life - for as long as I live!!

As usual, me and my two other colleagues are on our official duty to another state. Things get on well for the first few days until the final night of our stay. One of our colleague there invited me and another colleague to have dinner at one of the popular spot in that town. He then came to pick us up from our hotel and off we go........

When we reached the food court, we get ourselves seated, and he ordered some popular dishes. While the food is being served, we eat and at the same time chit-chatting away....... At that moment, the two of us from Kuching are really feeling great and enjoying ourselves, as having a colleague treating us for dinner. This will sure be the feeling for those who go traveling on official duty (that is away from our own hometown) and having someone kind enough to take the trouble to fetch us and bring us for dinner.

Before we finish eating, we suddenly heard some loud voices shouting and in just a while we saw two groups of people starting a fight!! A man seen holding a long 'parang' in his hand came towards another group of man and started to swing his parang at them. The other group bring up chairs in order to defend themselves. The sound of the parang chopping on the plastic chairs really seems scary indeed!!

As the fight gets nearer we then decided to get off from our seated place, but as we get up from our chairs and walk a little further off, those groups of man started running towards us. Then everyone present there started to run. I ran and then got splited up from my two other colleagues. What I could hear are sounds of chairs being thrown and flew every corner and mind you..... it happened, just right behind me!!! At that moment, I could hear my heart beating very fast! Being so scared and not knowing where to run and what to do, I suddenly run towards a wall, stoop down and close my eyes. At that moment I just wish that they won't stop behind me, but lucky enough those two groups of men continue on with their running and chasing.

Realising that they are gone, I got up on my poor restless feet and try looking around for my colleagues. Finally, I saw them at the other side, waving at me. It was only then that I feel relief! Even after feeling relief, I can still feel my whole body trembling, my heart still beating heavily and the happenings still lingers in my mind for the whole night.

To recall back this incident, it is really a blessing indeed! Despite chairs being thrown and flying all over, luckily I didn't got hit from it and having to run and jump (jump due to chairs all over) I wasn't being 'stampede'. It is indeed 'A Narrow Escape' for us all................

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Article about Cats [Part 5]

Another interesting article about Cats is it's Whiskers! How many people really know the function of Cat's Whiskers and how important it is to them??? Through proper understanding, human can help cats to treasure their Whiskers, thus protecting their sense of direction.

The Whiskers

The whiskers are the most sensitive of the sensory organs. They include not only those that surround the mouth but also a number of other similar long hairs over the eyes, ears and chin which can sense slightest touch or pressure.

At night, the whiskers assume the function of a "radar" that perceived the presence and nature of a nearby object. They also protect the cat's sight from every potentially dangerous object that touches the whiskers first, so that the cat closes its eyes immediately.

The whiskers also sense air currents caused by moving objects, so that the cat "feels" even without touching the object.

The loss of the whiskers or their elimination by scissors would obstruct the cat's ability to freely move about.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Month of fasting for the Muslims

Another year has passed, and the Muslims are entering into their Islamic month of fasting that is the month of Ramadan or Bulan Ramadan in Malay.

I would like to take this golden opportunity to wish all Muslim friends and readers "Selamat Berpuasa" or "Happy Fasting".