Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Article about Cats [Part 5]

Another interesting article about Cats is it's Whiskers! How many people really know the function of Cat's Whiskers and how important it is to them??? Through proper understanding, human can help cats to treasure their Whiskers, thus protecting their sense of direction.

The Whiskers

The whiskers are the most sensitive of the sensory organs. They include not only those that surround the mouth but also a number of other similar long hairs over the eyes, ears and chin which can sense slightest touch or pressure.

At night, the whiskers assume the function of a "radar" that perceived the presence and nature of a nearby object. They also protect the cat's sight from every potentially dangerous object that touches the whiskers first, so that the cat closes its eyes immediately.

The whiskers also sense air currents caused by moving objects, so that the cat "feels" even without touching the object.

The loss of the whiskers or their elimination by scissors would obstruct the cat's ability to freely move about.

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