Sunday, May 30, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 6]

From my personal point of view..............

There is no denial that friendship plays an important part in everyone's lives. Without friends we are like being left alone in the desert land and life will be bored, lonely, unhappy and meaningless.

With today's latest online technologies, we are indeed blessed as we can easily get connected with people whom we know from all over the globe by just a click of our computers. In the olden days the only means to get in touch is either through letters, telegraphs, post cards or telephones, which is very costly. Having friends from different countries enables us to have a better understanding of their customs, cultures and even religions.

From my personal point of view, the number of friends that we have is not an important factor, most importantly is how many sincere, real good friends that we have! We can have tons of friends but if they are not sincere instead of being happy in the company of 'many friends' it might end up with more troubles. This lovely quote by Leo Buscaglia confirms my statement:

"A single rose can be my garden.........
a single friend, my world."

Good friends are great people that makes us happy, cheerful and in times of difficulties they are the ones who helps us makes our day as what Marcel Proust says.........

"Let us be grateful to people who makes us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossoms."

In our day to day life, it is not surprising that most of us have come across friends who are insincere, one that uses us for their benefits; one that takes us for a ride; one who always hangs around us during good times but disappears immediately when we are having bad times; while some hypocrites people play as 'double-sword' friend. Personally I've come across many types of friends in my life and from such experiences it helps me to be a wiser person. To be very frank with everyone out there, as long as I have a handful of real, good sincere friends I am very much satisfied as compared to dozens of those insincere problematic friends, who not only creates problems & troubles for us but also makes our life miserable. This great quote by Oprah Winfrey suits me best!

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,
but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down"

Friday, May 28, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 5]

How do you maintain a lifelong friendship?

Many things work against a continuing friendship--moving away and the demands of business and family, to name a few. While shallow friendships fade quickly, an increase in affluence can also ruin a friendship. Through generosity that cannot be reciprocated, wealthier friends may make their old friends who have less money feel uncomfortable.

Many of us know people who resumed a friendship after years without contact. But for most friendships to survive, friends must set aside time for one another. The activities that fostered the relationship in the first place, such as fishing or other sports, are most likely to keep it strong.

Maintaining a friendship requires time, energy, and thought. Many people who live far apart have found that writing letters and telephoning are effective in preserving a feeling of closeness. The historian Henry Brooks Adams once wrote, "One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 4]

Do Some people need more friends than others?

Some people are happy with a few close friends; others have a tremendous number of friends and are eager to have more. The musician Liberace is said to have once held a party for 5,000 of his "closest" friends.

Adolescents, in particular may feel they need many friends to show that they are "popular," or socially approved and desirable. Friends are very influential in adolescence, furnishing emotional support. Some groups of friends set trends that others all too willingly follow.

What qualities are most valued in friendship?

Most highly prized among all the attributes of friendship are loyalty and trust. This includes the ability to keep a personal confidence.

People like to be sure that they can rely on their friends in an emergency, and they want to feel that their friends will stick by them when the going is rough. And most people also expect that real friends will be open and honest about their feelings and opinions. Everyone hopes that a friendship will offer warmth and affection. Many people believe it is important to be able to share their jokes and sense of fun with their friends.

Are friendships between women different from those between men?

It's difficult to generalize about male and female friendships. Among the many studies on the subject, one showed that when with friends, women tend to talk about family, health, weight, food, and clothing. The majority of men reported discussing current events and sports.

Generally speaking, men are reserved about personal problems, and do not air their insecurities even with friends of long standing. Women, on the other hand, are less inhibited about seeking personal advice from their close friends.

Genuine scenario of Corporate Company

To get to know the genuine scenario of a Corporate Company, you need to be an insider than just an outsider. Scenarios viewed from the outward appearance tends to give a blurred image which is more of a masquerade.

Being an ex-worker of a 'giant' corporate company for many years and experiencing all the pros and cons of an employee as an insider, I would like to share this simple & easy to understand article which genuinely describes the 'as is' of most Corporate Company in today's corporate world!

Everyday a small ant arrives at work very early and starts work immediately. She produces a lot and she was happy.

The Chief, a lion, was surprised to see that the ant was working without supervision. He thought if the ant can produce so much without supervision, wouldn't she produce even more if she had a supervisor.

So he recruited a cockroach who had extensive experience as supervisor and who was famous for writing excellent reports.

The cockroach's first decision was to set up a clocking in attendance system.

He also needed a secretary to help him write and type his reports and....... he recruited a spider, who managed the archives and monitored all phone calls.

The lion was delighted with the cockroach's reports and asked him to produce graphs to describe production rates and to analyse trends, so that he could use them for presentations at Board's meetings.

So the cockroach had to buy a new computer and a laser printer and..........

........ recruited a fly to manage the IT department.

The a
nt, who had once been so productive and relaxed, hated this new plethora of paperwork and meetings which used up most of her time.........!
The lion came to the conclusion that it was high time to nominate a person in charge of the department where the ant worked.

The position was given to the cicada, whose first decision was to buy a carpet and an ergonomic chair for his office. He also needed a computer and a personal assistant, who he brought from his previous department, to help him prepare a Work and Budget Control Strategic Optimisation Plan......

The Department where the ant works is now a sad place, where nobody laughs anymore and everybody has become upset........

It was at this time that the cicada convinced the boss, the lion, of the absolute necessity to start a climatic study of the environment. Having reviewed the changes for running the ant's department, the lion found out that the production was much less than before.

So he recruited the owl, a prestigious and renowned consultant to carry out an audit and suggest solutions. The owl spent three months in the department and came out with an enormous report, in several volumes, that concluded: "The department is overstaffed........"


The ant, of course, because she "showed lack of motivation and had a negative attitude".

Dear friends, it has always been the norm that employees at the lower level or rank are at the worst situation when changes takes place in a company. This group of people are always the first to be blamed and are always considered to be the group which results in the 'over-staffing' of the company, meaning to say....... they will be the first to be retrenched!!! For some company, the management might not resort to retrenchment, but instead trying all ugly means and ways to make their employees leave!!

The example of the ant in the story above tells us clearly that the lack of motivation and negative attitude of the ant is caused by the lion, who is the boss or the management. The morale of the staffs will be badly affected due to the management's 'care less' and 'fault-finding' attitude towards their employees.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 3]

Are first impression right or wrong?

Most of us, based on past experience, unconsciously create categories of people we like and don't like. If outgoing people have disappointed us, but quiet ones helped us, we'll rate quietness as a positive quality when we evaluate a person. If you meet someone who powerfully reminds you of your demanding algebra teacher, you are likely to be wary. Similarly, you're apt to be attracted to a person whose face or manner resembles that of a good friend.

Relying on first impressions can be risky. We may misjudge another person. A negative first impression can prevent us from getting to know someone who might have become a good friend.

Do we actually need friends?

There are some cultures in which friendships are not valued. The Seri Indians of northern Mexico, for example, have no word for friend, and friendly relationships don't appear to exist among them. Yet, the historical record suggests that most human beings form alliances of one kind or another beyond their immediate families. As part of a wider circle, the individual finds practical support. Today this still holds true. A friendly neighbor may drive you to the doctor if you're sick; a close friend may calm you down during an emergency.

In fact, according to psychologists, contact with friends and family, and affiliation with a club or religious group, can help you live longer. Studies have shown that socially isolated people are more likely to experience a variety of health problems, including heart disease and asthma, than people with many social contacts.

Monday, May 24, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 2]

What is friendship?

The words "friend" and "free" come from the same root word, suggesting that one aspect of friendship is the freedom to be ourselves in the company of another person. "A friend," said Ralph Waldo Emerson, "is a person with whom I may be sincere." Most friendships begin with shared interests or activities, which gradually develop into mutual trust, openness, affection, and loyalty.

We like people who are similar to ourselves, who share our attitudes and values. When someone agrees with us, or makes the same choices we do, we gain confidence in our own views. Proximity can also influence our choice of friends, be they co-workers or neighbors. Most of us tend to enjoy the companionship of people of the same economic status and level of education. As we become older and our experience grows, our expectations of friendship change.

Sometimes we find ourselves attracted to people who are different and who can provide us with a fresh perspective. A very reserved person and an uninhibited person can often complement each other; one friend gains a sense of stability while the other achieves spontaneity. Yet, for the relationship to endure, the "opposite" friends may still need a common bond, and perhaps find it in a shared activity or sense of humor.

Friends can help fill other needs -- for self-esteem or for reaching one's potential. When friends share an altrustic goal, such as a concern for justice or the cultivation of the arts, they are fulfilling Aristotle's description of "friendship of virtue."

Sunday, May 23, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 1]

On Friendship

Making friends is something like building an auxiliary family for oneself. We are at liberty to seek as many friends as we may want or need -- or as few.

The Unexpected Gift

"Is there any miracle on earth to compare with that of discovering a new friend, or having that friend discover you? So much is at stake, but I will gladly risk everything to give a promising relationship a chance."
~ Alex Noble ~

There Are Limits

"The paradox of friendship is that it is both the strongest thing in the world and the most fragile. Wild horses cannot separate friends, but whining words can. A man will lay down his life for his friend but will not sacrifice his eardrums."
~ Sydney J. Harris ~

Balancing Act

"Very often conversations are better among three than between two, for the reason that then one of the trio is always, unconsciously, acting as umpire, interposing fair play, seeing that the aggressiveness of one does no foul to the reticence of another."
~ Christopher Morley ~

Worth Working For

"Relationships seldom die because they suddenly have no life left in them. They die slowly, either because people do not understand how much upkeep, time, work, love, and caring they require, or because people are too lazy or afraid to try."
~ David Viscott ~

Sunday, May 16, 2010

A day to appreciate our Malaysian Teachers

May 16th is a day to give our appreciation, thanks and honour to all our Teachers in Malaysia. However, in schools it is being celebrated earlier especially if it falls on Saturday or Sunday.

To all school teachers as well as all those who have in one way or another impart their precious knowledge to us, we are indeed grateful! Without you all we are not able to be who we are today as knowledge is the key to our life. It not only helps us to know how to read and write in our childhood years, but as we develop further into young adults and who we are today, we can't deny that we can't stop learning, for "If a person stops learning he stops living!" Another Chinese proverb says "To live till old age is to learn till old age" (direct translation).

I would like to share a beautiful poem written by Gene Bedley for all wonderful 'Teachers' out there..........

In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher

In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
A Classroom is a Magical Place
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
There's a Smile on Each Child's Face
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
Creative Energy is Everywhere
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
There's a Catalyst who Genuinely Cares
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
Desire and Wonder is Awaken
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
The Educational Agenda is Shaken
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
Self-Management Skills are Modeled
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
The Best of Reality is Bottled
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
Gifts and Talents are Refined
In the Hands of a Gifted Teacher
The Willed Future is Designed.

"Happy Teachers Day!"

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Yearning for something to satisfy our taste buds

On a cool lazy Saturday afternoon, have you ever come across yearning for something to satisfy your taste buds????? I belief that normally if the day is cool our taste buds tend to crave for extras such as snacks, tit-bits, something which is sweet & slightly sourly and even crave for something which we've not eaten for quite a while or even our favourite childhood snacks!!!

I wanna share with everyone out there a beautiful article complete with colourful pictures of our one time popular childhood snacks, which I believe that some of us might still be eating it once a while, which frankly speaking, I still do buy for consumption as and when I feel like eating, especially those which are still available in the local market.

Here's the list and do check it out for yourself.........
(Click on the picture to obtain a bigger & clearer image)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

A special day to honour our NURSES

12th May is International Nurses Day, which is also the anniversary of the birth of Florence Nightingale, who is widely considered the founder of modern nursing.

Nurses throughout the whole world are well known for their endless dedications, commitments, efforts, assistance, cares & support. On this special day, I would like to thank, honour, respect & appreciate them for the services they have rendered to all the sick needy people.

Thumbs Up, Cheers, be happy & may God bless you all.........

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A popular Chinese Noodles 'Mee Sua'

Today, there are many varieties of Chinese noodles available almost everywhere - in market stalls, supermarkets, smaller shops or even big hyper markets. 'Mee Sua' is a very thin variety of salted Chinese noodles made from wheat flour, unlike most others which are made from rice and mung beans.

This salted noodles have many methods of cooking, it can be prepared & served in soup, dry or even fried. The cooking styles or techniques differ from one group of Chinese to the other, such as the Foochow prefers their Mee Sua with chicken & mushroom soup added with rice wine; I learned from my mother-in-law the Henghua style of preparing it dry, topped with fried cabbage, mushroom, chicken slices, chinese leek (some older people include fried peanuts & shredded eggs) and another commercialise method is Fried Mee Sua with a green vegetable called 'money chai'. I am wondering whether this vegetable have an English name?? I would very much like to know, thanks!

I have tried my hands on both the Foochow & Henghua styles except the fried one. I love this home-cook recipe which I cook for myself for lunch. It's a complete meal of the different types of vegetables, minced or sliced meat, mushrooms and whatever ingredients I can find in my fridge.......... It's indeed a nice filling lunch!!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

To all great MOM everywhere..........

Wishing all great MOM everywhere............

Though only one day of the calender year is designated to honour all mothers, but a mother's love has no end, so does our love for them. For many, we might not show our love for them openly but deep down in our hearts, we always love & care for them.

On this special day, I would like to share the lyric of this sweet song 'Mother of Mine' with all......

Mother of mine

Mother of mine you gave to me,
All of my life to do as I please,
I owe everything I have to you,
Mother sweet mother of mine.
Mother of mine, when I was young,
You showed me the right way,
Things have to be done,
Without your love where would I be,
Mother, sweet mother of mine.

Chorus: Mother you gave me happiness,
Much more than word can say........
I pray the Lord that he may bless you
Every night and everyday.

Mother of mine, now I am grown,
And I can watch great all on my own,
I like to give you, what you gave to me,
Mother, sweet mother of mine.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Building our Self Esteem

To many, self esteem seems to be a big word, and as such many tends to get frightened off with it. In actual fact it is as simple as 'your opinion of yourself'. A quote by Gloria Gayner confirms it......

"Well, we all know that self esteem comes from what you think of you, not what other people think of you"

Recently, I've heard a short article aired through our local radio station mentioning that "Building our self esteem through little promises we've made to our self". After giving it a good thought I realise that it is indeed true! It is something which we our self have in control with and doesn't concern people around us.

Firstly, we need to really look into our own strength and weaknesses. I believe that not many people are able to see their own weakness or for some, even refuse to accept it. As long as we are willing to open up to accept our weakness, then only can we think of what to do to improve on those gray areas or else it is rather impossible for us to build our self esteem.

From my experiences and acquaintances with people from all walks of life, I've come across people who are confident, proud of their status or whatever jobs they are holding, always willing to move ahead, able to take the lead, able to socialise well, joining outside activities, clubs or indulge in sports and many more. On the other hand there are some who have no self confidence, shy, always needs to be led than to lead, only confines to work & home and an endless other reasons.

Secondly, after discovering our weakness then its time for us to ask our self - what should I do and how to improve on it. This is what the speaker mentioned "building our self esteem through little promises we've made to our self". Certain bigger areas we can only work on one thing at a time, but gradually you will come to realise that some are inter related. So, improving on one area might help solve a couple of the other areas. In the end we will hear comments such as "Thank God, only by improving on my public speaking skills, I find myself more confident participating in discussions, able to give innovative ideas, willing to take the lead etc.....etc......."

"They can conquer who believe they can" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

On the other hand, most of us might have come across people who consider themselves having "high self esteem" but tagging along with strong egoism & personal pride. This type of people will always behave selfishly or rather only thinking of them self, no respect for others and will only fits into their own circle of friends. Let me quote you a live experience of an incident at my ex-workplace some four years ago.

With majority of us having work experience of more than 20 years, there comes a batch of new , young contracted colleagues roughly about the age of our children. Having a generous & helpful heart the senior experience ones tried to impart knowledge to them. Instead of a word of thank you, one young fellow commented "I have my DIPLOMA certificate, I know what to do and you don't need to teach me!"

A quote by Nathaniel Branden best describe the 'should be character' of a high self esteem person:

"There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity"

We must always bear in mind that 'respect needs to be earned', so if we want people to respect us we must first respect others, which also means 'respect needs to work both ways'.

To end my write-up on "building our self esteem" let me sum up with this beautiful quote........

"To establish true self esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives"
~ Denis Waitley ~

Sunday, May 2, 2010

A Special Week to boost up happiness.........

"Get Happy Week" is a special week to boost up happiness in our life, and it falls on 1st to 7th May. Whatever worries, problems or difficulties which lingers in our minds & hearts, let us put them all behindand plunge into relaxation, spread happiness, laughter and warm sunshine around. With such heartfelt acts we are sure to bring cheers & smiles to those around us who needs happiness most.

Here's a special card from 123 Greetings to be shared with all great people out there, and hope it will really boost up their happiness, as well as my own self...... Let us all stay happy & healthy!!

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Happy May Day!

On this special day of rest, I am sending you all a Smiley to wish everyone a bright, happy, cheerful, joyous & wonderful "MAY DAY!"

"Have A Happy Holiday!"