Sunday, May 30, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 6]

From my personal point of view..............

There is no denial that friendship plays an important part in everyone's lives. Without friends we are like being left alone in the desert land and life will be bored, lonely, unhappy and meaningless.

With today's latest online technologies, we are indeed blessed as we can easily get connected with people whom we know from all over the globe by just a click of our computers. In the olden days the only means to get in touch is either through letters, telegraphs, post cards or telephones, which is very costly. Having friends from different countries enables us to have a better understanding of their customs, cultures and even religions.

From my personal point of view, the number of friends that we have is not an important factor, most importantly is how many sincere, real good friends that we have! We can have tons of friends but if they are not sincere instead of being happy in the company of 'many friends' it might end up with more troubles. This lovely quote by Leo Buscaglia confirms my statement:

"A single rose can be my garden.........
a single friend, my world."

Good friends are great people that makes us happy, cheerful and in times of difficulties they are the ones who helps us makes our day as what Marcel Proust says.........

"Let us be grateful to people who makes us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossoms."

In our day to day life, it is not surprising that most of us have come across friends who are insincere, one that uses us for their benefits; one that takes us for a ride; one who always hangs around us during good times but disappears immediately when we are having bad times; while some hypocrites people play as 'double-sword' friend. Personally I've come across many types of friends in my life and from such experiences it helps me to be a wiser person. To be very frank with everyone out there, as long as I have a handful of real, good sincere friends I am very much satisfied as compared to dozens of those insincere problematic friends, who not only creates problems & troubles for us but also makes our life miserable. This great quote by Oprah Winfrey suits me best!

"Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo,
but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down"

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