Friday, May 28, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 5]

How do you maintain a lifelong friendship?

Many things work against a continuing friendship--moving away and the demands of business and family, to name a few. While shallow friendships fade quickly, an increase in affluence can also ruin a friendship. Through generosity that cannot be reciprocated, wealthier friends may make their old friends who have less money feel uncomfortable.

Many of us know people who resumed a friendship after years without contact. But for most friendships to survive, friends must set aside time for one another. The activities that fostered the relationship in the first place, such as fishing or other sports, are most likely to keep it strong.

Maintaining a friendship requires time, energy, and thought. Many people who live far apart have found that writing letters and telephoning are effective in preserving a feeling of closeness. The historian Henry Brooks Adams once wrote, "One friend in a lifetime is much; two are many; three are hardly possible."

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