Thursday, May 6, 2010

Building our Self Esteem

To many, self esteem seems to be a big word, and as such many tends to get frightened off with it. In actual fact it is as simple as 'your opinion of yourself'. A quote by Gloria Gayner confirms it......

"Well, we all know that self esteem comes from what you think of you, not what other people think of you"

Recently, I've heard a short article aired through our local radio station mentioning that "Building our self esteem through little promises we've made to our self". After giving it a good thought I realise that it is indeed true! It is something which we our self have in control with and doesn't concern people around us.

Firstly, we need to really look into our own strength and weaknesses. I believe that not many people are able to see their own weakness or for some, even refuse to accept it. As long as we are willing to open up to accept our weakness, then only can we think of what to do to improve on those gray areas or else it is rather impossible for us to build our self esteem.

From my experiences and acquaintances with people from all walks of life, I've come across people who are confident, proud of their status or whatever jobs they are holding, always willing to move ahead, able to take the lead, able to socialise well, joining outside activities, clubs or indulge in sports and many more. On the other hand there are some who have no self confidence, shy, always needs to be led than to lead, only confines to work & home and an endless other reasons.

Secondly, after discovering our weakness then its time for us to ask our self - what should I do and how to improve on it. This is what the speaker mentioned "building our self esteem through little promises we've made to our self". Certain bigger areas we can only work on one thing at a time, but gradually you will come to realise that some are inter related. So, improving on one area might help solve a couple of the other areas. In the end we will hear comments such as "Thank God, only by improving on my public speaking skills, I find myself more confident participating in discussions, able to give innovative ideas, willing to take the lead etc.....etc......."

"They can conquer who believe they can" ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson ~

On the other hand, most of us might have come across people who consider themselves having "high self esteem" but tagging along with strong egoism & personal pride. This type of people will always behave selfishly or rather only thinking of them self, no respect for others and will only fits into their own circle of friends. Let me quote you a live experience of an incident at my ex-workplace some four years ago.

With majority of us having work experience of more than 20 years, there comes a batch of new , young contracted colleagues roughly about the age of our children. Having a generous & helpful heart the senior experience ones tried to impart knowledge to them. Instead of a word of thank you, one young fellow commented "I have my DIPLOMA certificate, I know what to do and you don't need to teach me!"

A quote by Nathaniel Branden best describe the 'should be character' of a high self esteem person:

"There is overwhelming evidence that the higher the level of self esteem, the more likely one will be to treat others with respect, kindness, and generosity"

We must always bear in mind that 'respect needs to be earned', so if we want people to respect us we must first respect others, which also means 'respect needs to work both ways'.

To end my write-up on "building our self esteem" let me sum up with this beautiful quote........

"To establish true self esteem we must concentrate on our successes and forget about the failures and the negatives in our lives"
~ Denis Waitley ~

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