Wednesday, May 26, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 4]

Do Some people need more friends than others?

Some people are happy with a few close friends; others have a tremendous number of friends and are eager to have more. The musician Liberace is said to have once held a party for 5,000 of his "closest" friends.

Adolescents, in particular may feel they need many friends to show that they are "popular," or socially approved and desirable. Friends are very influential in adolescence, furnishing emotional support. Some groups of friends set trends that others all too willingly follow.

What qualities are most valued in friendship?

Most highly prized among all the attributes of friendship are loyalty and trust. This includes the ability to keep a personal confidence.

People like to be sure that they can rely on their friends in an emergency, and they want to feel that their friends will stick by them when the going is rough. And most people also expect that real friends will be open and honest about their feelings and opinions. Everyone hopes that a friendship will offer warmth and affection. Many people believe it is important to be able to share their jokes and sense of fun with their friends.

Are friendships between women different from those between men?

It's difficult to generalize about male and female friendships. Among the many studies on the subject, one showed that when with friends, women tend to talk about family, health, weight, food, and clothing. The majority of men reported discussing current events and sports.

Generally speaking, men are reserved about personal problems, and do not air their insecurities even with friends of long standing. Women, on the other hand, are less inhibited about seeking personal advice from their close friends.

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