Sunday, May 23, 2010

An interesting article to share - On Friendship [Part 1]

On Friendship

Making friends is something like building an auxiliary family for oneself. We are at liberty to seek as many friends as we may want or need -- or as few.

The Unexpected Gift

"Is there any miracle on earth to compare with that of discovering a new friend, or having that friend discover you? So much is at stake, but I will gladly risk everything to give a promising relationship a chance."
~ Alex Noble ~

There Are Limits

"The paradox of friendship is that it is both the strongest thing in the world and the most fragile. Wild horses cannot separate friends, but whining words can. A man will lay down his life for his friend but will not sacrifice his eardrums."
~ Sydney J. Harris ~

Balancing Act

"Very often conversations are better among three than between two, for the reason that then one of the trio is always, unconsciously, acting as umpire, interposing fair play, seeing that the aggressiveness of one does no foul to the reticence of another."
~ Christopher Morley ~

Worth Working For

"Relationships seldom die because they suddenly have no life left in them. They die slowly, either because people do not understand how much upkeep, time, work, love, and caring they require, or because people are too lazy or afraid to try."
~ David Viscott ~

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