Sunday, November 9, 2008

Wanna feel 100% healthier????

Here's another great article about health to share..........

Addicted to smoking, junk food or a lazy lifestyle? Change your ways and your body will thank you for it.

We're all guilty of a bad habit or two, even when we know it's not good for us. But not all bad habits have lasting effects on our health. If you gather enough courage to call it quits once and for all, you will see how quickly the benefits start to kick in. So don't give up - stop and reverse the damage now - and you'll enjoy a longer, happier life.

Women who smoke are at greater risk of developing stroke, and heart and lung diseases. They are also more susceptible to female-specific smoking-related illnesses. Women smokers have double the chance of developing cervical cancer compared to non-smokers, and are 30% more like to get breast cancer. They are prone to osteoporosis and are more likely to experience reduced fertility and early menopause.

In order to quit, get the right support. Coping with withdrawal symptoms is not easy, but can be better managed by seeking professional help and support. Studies show that smokers are four times more likely to quit smoking successfully compared to those who try to quit on their own.

........ after 12 hours
The benefits of snuffing out your habit are almost immediate. The moment you give up cigarettes, your blood pressure and pulse rate will gradually drop to normal, leading to an instant reduced risk of heart attack. Eight hours later, nicotine and carbon monoxide levels in the blood are halved, with oxygen levels returning to normal. This enhances energy levels, and psychomotor and cognitive skills. After 24 hours, carbon monoxide is eliminated from the body, and the lungs will clear out mucus and other smoking debris.

........ within a month
You'll find your body clear of nicotine. It's normal to get cravings but you must resist them, no matter how hard it is to do so. You'll find that your sense of taste and smell will be greatly improved. And as your bronchial tubes begin to relax, breathing becomes easier. Blood circulation will also improve.

........ 12 months and beyond
In just a year, a former smoker's risk of a heart attack reduces by half compare to that of a continuing smoker. And after 10 years of staying smoke-free, the risk of lung and mouth cancers is reduced to half that of a continuing smoker.

The 4-D Way to quit smoking
When do you crave a cigarette and what tempts you to smoke? Learning about this plays a big part in successful quitting. Try to follow the 4-Ds when temptation strikes.

1. Distract yourself by doing something else.
2. Delay lighting up.
3. Do deep breathing exercises.
4. Drink a glass of water or milk slowly.

So, all smoking friends........ hope these tips are of great use to you - It is all for the healthier you!! Will continue in my next blog on 'Junk Food' & 'Exercise'.

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