Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Changing Years - PREPARE NOW! [Part 4] My personal thoughts........

It is indeed a great pleasure to have come across such a great article and to share with all friends and readers out there.

In the olden days, that is the days of our great grandparents, grandparents or even parents for the matter........ this topic is not being spoken of! It is something which, I believe, that women who are going through the menopausal time in life are experiencing something which they hardly understand and know. That is why the article did mention about people thinking of it as a sickness or that something is wrong! Indeed, women in the olden days are suffering in silent.

Today, being in this modern world, many things have change!! Knowledge can be acquired freely, if we feel unwell, we can always walk into any clinics or hospitals to obtain treatment, up-to-date information are being easily obtainable through pamplets, brochures, articles in newspapers & magazines and most of all through the internet. A great difference is that all girls are being given equal opportunities in education, unlike in the olden days where boys are given first priority while the girls stay at home. Today, with new medical facilities, specialised doctors and nurses as well as experts researchers, we are able to live life more comfortably and most of all being able to have a better understanding of the different stages of our human life!!

So, let us all try to get this information across to those around us, as it will sure be of great help to all who are in need, so as to have a clear understanding of a women's 'life changing years' & with proper preaparation we are all able to look forward for a great, rewarding and joyful years ahead!!!

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