Monday, November 3, 2008

A Day To Honour All Housewife........

As 3rd November is 'Housewife Day' it is time to raise a toast in the honour of the persons who runs the household smoothly day in and day out!!

Talking about being housewife........ well..... most working people will give the impression that they are (the housewives) the most lucky people - don't have to work, just stay at home!!! How many of you have hear of the saying "A Women's Chores Is Never Done"! This saying is very true, try observing your wife or mother at home...... they can still be seen doing their house chores even till late night while the other members of the family is relaxing in front of their TV, reading books, newspapers or chatting away in their sitting room.

So, today being a special day to honour all housewife, let's all try to enjoy and have a great time. Today is the best day for us all to recharge our battery and to spoil ourself with the best of everything. I am sending you all some beautiful roses to remind us all of OUR day!!!

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