Saturday, April 19, 2008

10 Ways To Know If It's Love

Friends, I have here a good article which I've read recently and would very much like to share with you all. Happy reading.....


  1. Does not say, "Me First"
  2. Believes the best about others
  3. Does not "keep score" of the bad things that others do
  4. Does not tear down others
  5. Is not conceited
  6. Is patient with others, even when they are annoying
  7. Is not happy when someone gets hurt
  8. Helps out others, even if it's inconvenient
  9. Celebrates the successes of others
  10. Never QUITS


Anonymous said...

This is truly a good article on "Love". I have bookmarked and shared it with my friends. I plan to create a link to it in my blog so my friends can benefit by reading it in your blog. You don't mind, do you? Keep up your good writing.

Unknown said...

I am indeed very grateful to know that someone out there enjoy reading some of the articles that I wrote in my blog. Thank you and happy reading!