Monday, January 11, 2010

A tale behind such scenic views.......

To most people, such a scenery might be considered very normal and there is no big deal about it, but for me and my family members, there is a tale behind such scenic views!

To recap this tale, it's roughly about 15 years ago when our family is having a stay over at one of Kuching's one time popular resort - Damai Lagoon Resort. It was on one late afternoon and our family were taking a stroll around the resort, and all of a sudden my youngest son Aaron, who was only few years old then was pointing towards the mountain and shouting "It's going to explode!"

We were all astounded by his words and was looking towards the direction he's pointing and to only come to realise that it is none other than the heavy clouds ascending across the mountains, which is a very common sight at that time of the day as the air is getting colder. Our surprises suddenly turned to laughter.

From that time on, whenever we saw such views it will always brings smiles to our faces and we will always remind each other of the phrase.........."It's going to explode!" and if Aaron is with us he will sure give us all a 'shy' smile!!!!

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