Saturday, January 23, 2010

My personal 'Kitchen Cooking' to share......

Since I left working life more than three years ago, I've been trying out my cooking skills and I believe in the theory "Practice Makes Perfect!" That is why professional cooks or chefs always have fine hands in their cooking - such as they don't need to really taste their food before serving and everything seems to be at their finger tips no matter how many dishes they have to prepare within a short period of time with the long queue of customer's menu in hand!

Cooking can be real fun & joy if we really have the time as the preparation time is more tedious as we need to cut, chop, mince the ingredients according to each method of cooking each types of vegetables, meat, poultry, fish, etc......

On the part of marketing for the stuffs to purchase for cooking, it needs more of our thinking cap! Just imagine, the family's cook needs to think of what to buy inclusive of all the ingredients as short of an item will results in unable to cook that particular dish. It is more of 'one person do the thinking while the rest enjoys the deliciously cooked food'.

Here's some of my home cooked dishes for sharing........

to be continued........

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