Friday, March 2, 2012

My personal perception of SUCCESS!

This seven-letter-word, may be easily understood by most people, but different people do have a different perception of their understanding of it in terms of standards, influence, up bringing, and many other external factors.

The first principle which I strongly believe is this simple phrase....

In working life many people fought their way up the corporate ladder, or for some, even pushing themselves through promotions by all means, and by the time they achieve their aim they just sit back and relax, letting their subordinates to do the work!! Personally, I consider this type of people as having a 'short-term' thinking. They never bother to think further, as being promoted and holding a higher post would mean more heavier commitments and responsibilities, thus he or she must look further ahead than sitting back and relax! Such a person looks on SUCCESS as a destination, not a journey!! No matter how much we have achieved we still need to move on, for what lies ahead is another long journey to travel. The quote below is a good reminder to us all.....

One very simple phrase which I always bear in mind is "success never comes easy!" If we leave it stagnant and don't bother to pursue it further, never think of achieving it. The next quote below proves me right!

I wonder how many have heard of the saying "there is no short-cut to success"???? It needs endless efforts and many a times we need to forgo something in order to move towards achieving it. Working mothers for example, needs to leave their children at Nurseries or Day Care Centres while they are at work while many have to swallow their guilts of not spending enough time with them! I trust that not many working mothers manage to achieve a good balance between work and family.

I believe that those who climb up the corporate ladder from the 'grass-root level' can achieve more in their work as they have the experiences in all areas as compared to those who are put straight to the top level. An experienced supervisors who work their way up from the bottom tends to understand their subordinates more as well as their situations.

From my past working experiences, I do come across those who achieve success through hard work as well as those who goes through other means!! In any offices I believe that such situations do happens!! Whatever the situation maybe, I still feels that success through hard work brings real contentment in one's life, which generates real happiness and joy!

Though the quote above is absolutely correct, but it's just that situations doesn't work as such at certain time! Well, it all depends on each and every individual - how they think and what they prefers, cos' no one knows!

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