Monday, July 12, 2010

Article for sharing on "Improving your memory" [Part 1]

How many among friends have talk about the topic on "memory" either when meeting each other or even over the phone???

To be frank, I have had many discussions on this topic with my friends, especially those who are almost the same age or older. It is indeed a scary thing, but it is wise to put the topic into discussion as it gives us more confidence and won't panic off. Through sharing we are likely to understand the situation better and there might be some useful tips along the way. So, don't keep this scary problem to yourself, share it with people around us, talk about it and don't shy away cos' this problem not only happen to you alone but to everyone, except that some deteriorate faster than the others.

Here's an article which I've read recently and would like to share it with everyone, hoping that it will be of great value to, happy reading!!!

Improving your memory

It is a fact that your memory gets rusty as you get older. But don't panic because there are ways to stop it from deteriorating.

Did you know that the parts of your brain which are responsible for remembering things like dates, recipes, names and addresses, telephone numbers and directions lose up to 100,000 nerve cells a day? Which is why if you're older than 25, then your medium-term memory is slowly getting worse and worse. Teenagers are better able to absorb and remember pages of information than adults. So, unless you're a teenager, your brain is slowly rotting. That's the bad news.

The good news is that just as your medium-term memory is deteriorating so your mental ability to use information is increasing. Your memory may be failing as you age but you are becoming wiser. People under 25 may be able to remember lists of equations and irregular verbs. But the best thinking in any society is done by the over 25s.

Still, there is no doubt that it is inconvenient to have a deteriorating memory. So here are a few ways in which you can improve your memory and disguise the fact that you are getting older.

.......... to be continued

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