Monday, April 12, 2010

"Recharging Your Batteries" [Part 1]

Today's working people are more prone to stress due to heavy work commitments, competitive work environments, economic down turn, over expectations from employers as well as family members and many other unavoidable situations.........

This useful article which I've read is worth sharing to enable us to manage our stress level, by having a better understanding of this simple phrase "Recharging your batteries".

How important is leisure?

Many psychologists see leisure as an essential counterbalance to work. Overwork can contribute to harmful stress and can diminish the ability to concentrate and to perform a job effectively. Leisure activities refresh and revitalize the body and the mind.

The brain, according to experts, needs stimulation of various kinds in order to stay in top form. Some of us do not mind repetitive daily routines, but others are bored by them, especially if they continue over weeks and months. When this occurs, the brain adapts by reducing its level of activity, but then the brain has mechanisms that kick in and arouse a need for stimulation. A craving for a change of pace, even a desire for excitement, can occur. Leisure, by offering a change of routine, can be one way of getting the brain working at the top of its form again.

Too much change, however, can be as bad as no change at all. If your schedule is never the same from day to day, you may begin to long for peace and quiet and for time to relax and restore yourself. Cravings like these many be linked to the levels of neurotransmitters in your brain.

"Cheerfullness and contentment are great beautifiers and are famous preservers of youthful looks"
~ Charles Dickens ~

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