Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Preparation for the Lunar New Year.....

With the Lunar New Year coming much earlier than usual, our preparation to welcome this festive season started way before the year 2013 ends.  In two weeks time the Chinese will be celebrating this auspicious occasion.

Its a thrilling feeling to welcome this great celebration for both young and old.   The spring cleaning is the most tedious task! Since when I am a young child, my mum have set good examples to me and my siblings that we should have a cleaned house and surroundings to welcome the Lunar New Year as its a start of another year.  That is where we learn our Chinese customs and cultures, the do's and dont's of before and during the Lunar New Year.  We are indeed blessed to have our parents inculcating such precious information to us.  Its something which we have to treasure and pass down to our children and grandchildren. But then again, will the younger generation accept such cultures???? Whatever it is, I've done my part in imparting these useful information to them and its up to them as individuals to do the rest.  

Hoping for the best of the Year of The Horse, pray that this New Year will brings my family abundance blessings, good health, joy, peace, happiness and prosperity ~ CHEERS ~

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