Monday, June 17, 2013

Irresponsible drivers on the loose......

Why? OH Why?? Why are drivers becoming more irresponsible these days???

With more new and modern technologies coming up, drivers who love to speak on their cell phone while driving should safe guard them self and others by using some form of hands free gadget!

Today, if we care to take a peek at the drivers next to us, many are seen with their cell phones either on their ears or even with their hands and eyes fixed on their phones - reading news, checking their e-mails, etc.... etc.... Isn't this 'road-unworthiness?'  Many a times you need to give a 'honk' to the vehicle in front to get them going as they are too busy with their phones than the road!

"Drivers" let us all try to be careful and practice proper road safety habits not only for the safety of the driver them self BUT everyone! Lives of many innocent road users will be at stack if many irresponsible drivers are  on the loose!  Care and concern for each other is a driver's responsibility, never take things for granted or else any carelessness will be a 'heavy-burden' for LIFE!

Jeff Gracia's quote is meaningful, so do bear it in mind.....

"I think I'm very conscientious of how precious life is and how quickly life can be taken away from you, especially at times when it can be  least expected." 

Life is precious, don't let it be shattered or else it will brings REGRET! Another quote from Howard Thurman to share with all the irresponsible drivers......

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive.  And then go and do that Because what the world needs is people who have come alive"

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