Friday, September 16, 2011

From the OVEN......

The word OVEN reminds me of my Secondary school days, roughly thirty-eight years ago!  Home Science or Cookery Class is the much look-forward lesson for us girls at that time.  I always remember anxiously waiting for our teacher, the late Mrs. Tan to walk into class and imparting her cooking experiences and knowledge to us, which I personally trust that it will be of great use in the years to come.  True indeed, as today whenever I do cooking or baking I always recall many of her useful tips which she have shared with us young girls 'once upon a time!'

I love baking, be it cakes, biscuits, pies, quiche or chicken dishes.  A comment by my dear friend Janet who also loves baking "if you start baking you can't stop!" is true indeed!  Once we are in the baking mood we will continue one after the other and it's really a fun thing to do!!

Recently I've landed myself into this 'baking mood' again and here's to share (in pictures) with everyone out there.......

Chocolate with M&Ms


Rainbow Cake

Butter & Cornflour Biscuits

Light Cheese Cupcakes

Sorry readers for the pictures which are not in proper order as I am not used to the new updated blog format.  Hope to keep up with it soon, esp. with the pictures!

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