Friday, February 27, 2009

BOWLING........ a great way to relax & enjoy!

Bowling has been a popular indoor game for people of all ages and you don't have to be an expert to play this game. The Bowling Centers in Kuching City are always packed with people, especially on weekends, school holidays and night time.

However, if you really want to have an enjoyable & peaceful game of bowling, just take a day off from work (for those who are working) and rest assured you're sure to have a great time cos' during the day time of the working day there are not many people, who knows you might be the only person or group of people there. If you want to do your bowling practice, this should be the best time too as you can fully concentrate - not much noise or disturbance around.

Years back I used to join my children for bowling games, but now I can only watch them play due to my Osteoarthritis, which is caused by the after effect of carrying heavy loads while working in the Store. Even a game of Badminton, I dare not give it a try now, as it will give me severe pain after any vigorous and strenuous exercise or even work for the matter.

Whatever it is, watching bowling games can be enjoyable too, not only when the player have a 'STRIKE', but you'll also smile away when the bowling ball 'goes down the drain' as well as watching the cute faces of the players while in frustration!! It is indeed real fun to watch people enjoying playing this game.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

What A "Congested-Full House" Environment!!

We not only heard but have seen with our own eyes congested places such as Shopping Malls, especially when there are 'big sales' at certain time of the year........ and a full-house environment at Restaurants or even toilets. BUT how many have really experienced a "Congested-Full House" environment at Government Clinics, Clinics which caters for all, i.e. the general public?????

If you are interested to take a stroll, have a look & experience the scenario of such a place then you will understand what my blog title means. Mind you....... this situation is not only for a day or two....... nor for a certain period of time....... but everyday from Monday to Friday!!!

People from all ages - young, old, babies & people with walking sticks, while some on wheel chairs....... all waited patiently for their turn to have their sickness treated or controlled!!

As early as 6.40 in the morning, cues are already up to number 54, and another half an hour later it adds up to more than 100 (meaning increased by 100%) and the figures continue to add on tremendously as the hours passed. It roughly takes at least 4 hours for the whole process, which is upon arriving at the Clinic to get a number, registration, MO consultation & finally collect medicine from the pharmacy. Again...... if a patient is being referred to further consult a doctor or have an X-Ray or Blood Test, then....... more time will be needed.

Here's two beautiful quotes to share about health.........

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold & silver"
~ Mohandas Gandhi ~

"Give a man health and a course to steer, and he'll never stop to trouble about whether he's happy or not"
~ George Bernard Shaw ~

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Once again....... peace & quiet in the home!

Well...... with the children going back to work in another city and further their education in another state after their home-coming for the CNY celebration, again....... there is this peace & quiet in the home!!

When my children are home for holidays, I will be seen busy together with them, especially when they have something to settle which needs my assistance (well...... that's what mother's are for). Not only that, will also be very busy in the kitchen preparing each of their favourite foods, which they've missed while being away from home.

Anyway, in the next few months till December, I'll be rather busy as our family will be having a big celebration....... aha...... something coming up!! Keeping myself busy and occupied is really great for me - really looking forward to it!!

So, with February being 'International Friendship Month', would like to share this motivational quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson with all wonderful people out there......

"The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile, nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when you discover that someone else believes in you and is willing to trust you with a friendship".

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Have a 'Great Week & Month' my friends.........

February is International Friendship Month and........ 15th to 21st February is International Friendship Week!

Here's something to share regarding the 7 Wonders of Friendship........
To WALK together
To LAUGH together
To SHARE secrets
To have FUN

I would like to remember all my friends, near and far alike & pray that God's everlasting love & care will always be upon each and everyone of you! And most of all, it's indeed a great pleasure to have all the wonderful friends and thank you for being.............

Friday, February 13, 2009

A 'Must Watch' Movie!

All movie goer........ don't miss this great movie starred by Brad Pit and Cate Blanchett "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". Only to mention that this baby boy is born in his eighties and ages backwards. This film is really full of curiosity, so if you are curious, then watch it to get the whole story. I watch this movie at Star Cineplex on Thursday afternoon.

Wednesday night am watching a Cantonese movie "All's Well End's Well 2009". It's partly comedy and romance, so have a good laugh throughout the movie.

Next, intending to watch another comedy & romance mandarin movie "The Wedding Game".........

A time where flowers are everywhere.............

Since two days ago, flowers are seen to be in abundance everywhere........ stalls are being set-up along certain streets, especially along most of the busy roadsides, not to mention off course in florist shops, shopping centers and.....and........

This is the time where most business minded people grab the opportunity to earn extras, but....... with this recession, will their business be as good as in past years?????

February 14th, being Valentine's Day is not only a day of celebration for the young people who are in love....... it is for people around us whom we 'love' & care, which includes people dear to us, like our grandparents, parents, children, neighbors, friends, colleagues, etc. I would like to quote what Oprah Winfrey said in her coming up show for this Valentine's Day. "You don't have to be in love to be a Valentine, but everyone whom we love is our Valentine". This should be the real spirit and meaning of "Valentine's Day".

As tomorrow is 14th February, let me take this golden opportunity to express my early wish to all great people out there "Have a great Valentine's Day & may you all be loved dearly not only for a day, but your whole life through" and to all people dear to me "Thank you for being my Valentine & May God's special blessings be always upon you all".

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

A popular plant of many..........

I still remember when this plant starts it's popularity years back, it is being sold at a rather high price. Today, you can even get it free from friends as they are being planted in most homes. The Chinese named it as "Pu Pu Kow Sern" but it's English name is rather long and winding "Zamioculcas Zamiifolia". This plant doesn't require much water and it's best put under the shade than direct sunlight. It also do bear flowers, but it withers off quite fast (the flower is white in colour but when it withers it turns to black) - picture on the left can be seen with one of it's flower.

This plant can sprout and grow very fast if given the correct amount of sunlight, fertilizer and water, and most of all what I observe is......... if it is put in the right position. The above pictures of the plant is home-grown in our garden............