Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Changing Years - PREPARE NOW! [Part 2]

Education, the First Step

Knowledge is one of the most important ingredients to any phase of life -- but perhaps more important at menopause than any other.

Menopause has been described as adolescence in reverse. A young woman enters into puberty at about age 12 or 13. That is an exciting time of life -- and it's important parents educate their children about this new phase.

A girl matures into a young woman and her body begins its preparations to make motherhood possible. During the next four decades the fallopian tubes will release more than 400 ova.

In those years marriage will usually take place in the early 20s. Many families will have children. Conception can occur on a monthly basis. During a month when conception does not occur, the unfertilized egg does not become attached to the uterus and the menstrual period results.

But usually in the mid to late 40s, this all begins to change. The childbearing years over, God designed the body to cease the possibilities of conception. But not suddenly. This marvelous change usually takes a few years.

Menopause is a natural and normal part of the life's processes. About 85 percent of women will pass through the change in life with relatively minor symptoms of discomfort. The remaining 15 percent may experience greater difficulty, but can seek proper medical help and guidance to proceed through the few years menopause may take.

Menopause is not something to fear. It is a passing stage of life that may offer some discomfort and concern. But it will pass. Woman can find the remaining years some of the most personally rewarding, gratifying and joyful years of their lives.

An Understanding Husband

For married women going through the menopause, an understanding husband can be one of the best helps of all. Many men simply are not educated concerning the importance of this time in a woman's life, and do not offer proper support.

Some of you readers may wonder why a man would be writing this article on the subject of female menopause. One important reason is that many men have not taken the time to understand their wives in this sometimes crucial phase of life. And I hope all our male readers are reading this article.

My wife and I are now going through this marvelous time of life. I pray this gives me not only understanding, but feeling and empathy for others. My wife expresses to me almost daily how much she appreciates me taking the time to learn about and help her through the rough spots that will come in even the best of circumstances.

Perhaps more than at any other time in the marriage, a woman during menopause requires love, attention, appreciation and understanding.

Without a doubt there is a hormonal change taking place. To a lesser or greater degree there will be changing emotional reactions, depression, hot flashes and lack of energy.

Husbands must never let this time in life lead to casting a wandering eye toward another woman or lead to neglect. It is a time for husbands and wives to spend even more time together. It is a time for a husband to reassure his wife she is even more beautiful than ever.

Remember you are both growing older together. And if the wife has a few gray hairs, some wrinkles in the brow and has gained a pound or two, so probably has the husband.

So in addition to education, the love and support of a husband, children and friends are vital ingredients to help a woman through this changing time of life.

1 comment:

FGJuis said...

Sister Roseline,

Thank you for sharing the experience of life. It was read and understood for self-awareness.

Keep up with the blog with something to share with others (readers).

Brother FGJ