Thursday, August 28, 2008

Children bullies

Children bullies in school is rather common, and is scary to the affected children, thus it is a parent's main concern.

All my three children experienced children bully in their Kindergarten and Primary School days. Children who are fragile or behave quietly are the ones most likely to be picked on by a bully. Most children when attacked by a bully often feel ashamed and don't want to talk about it. Luckily my children reported to us after several times being bullied and this really helps as the situations can be settled earlier with the knowledge of both the parents and teachers.

Recently I've read an article on "Why are some children bullies?" Guess, it is of great interest to all as it enables us to understand the whole situation and also helps to prevent such happenings within the family, as it has something to do with the upbringing of children. So, here's to share.........

Why are some children bullies?

Bullies are at the top of the list of things that many schoolchildren worry most about. The classic bully is someone who needs to feel in control by dominating others. Psychologists have found that bullies are often raised by parents who do not teach them how to negotiate or share.

These parents typically resort to harsh and arbitrary physical punishment that reflects their own moods more than anything else. After many early lessons in erratic parental attacks, a bully misreads the actions of others. When a youngster accidentally bumps into a bully in the lunch line, for instance, the bully will mistake it for an attack and start a fight.

Because a bully has never learned the value of sharing or cooperation, getting along with others is not a priority. Often bullies become more unhappy and aggressive with age. They are more likely to drop out of school and have trouble with the law.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I fully agree with you...true friends are hard to find nowadays.

Frienship is like a shadow.
Will always be with you when there's light.
But will disappear the moment you walk into the darkness.